Every day we are inspired by your commitment and passion to make the world a better place as you embark on journeys across the globe. You give of your time and resources to do incredible things: from starting conservation projects and teaching abroad, to fighting hunger and poverty. The needs can be sometimes overwhelming, but you carry on. At Fly For Good we believe in the power of the ripple effect. In the words of Mother Teresa, “Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.” Like kind words, your acts of service impact more lives than you can imagine.
During this season of gratitude we want to show you how much we appreciate what you do and keep the ripples going. The week of Thanksgiving (Nov 25-27) we’ll be giving away 3 of our favorite products. Each day, November 25th-27th you will have an opportunity to win double – one for you and one for a friend! Winning is pretty simple!
Giveaway Calendar:
Monday’s Giveaway – SOLO Eye Wear
A portion of funds from every pair of SOLO Eye Wear purchased goes to provide eye care for people who would otherwise have no access to it. To date, SOLO has restored vision for over 9,000 people, resulting in an economic impact of $3.3 million. That’s a huge ripple!
How to Win:
On Monday, November 25th, we want to see a photo of your favorite memory volunteering abroad. Mention us in your photo on Twitter, @flyforgood, or tag us in your photo on Facebook. One winner will be selected at random to win two pairs of SOLO Eyewear. One for you and a friend!
Tuesday’s Giveaway – OAK Backpack
OAK stands for “Ordinary Acts of Kindness”. For every one of their fair-trade backpacks purchased, OAK gives one to a child in need, supporting education for homeless or at risk youth in the US or Rwanda.
How to Win:
What’s one thing you can’t travel without? Tweet at us @flyforgood and let us know for your chance to receive one OAK Backpack for you and a second one for a friend. Use your new OAK Backpack to carry all of your favorite travel essentials! Winner will be chosen at random.
Wednesday’s Giveaway – Sevenly
Every week Sevenly partners with a different charity for a 7-day cause campaign. Beginning on Mondays at 10 am PST, new limited-edition products are released for that week. $7 of each purchase goes towards that week’s charity. Sevenly starts ripples of generosity and awareness through their donations and campaign-specific products.
How to Win:
On Wednesday, November 27th, tweet @flyforgood and tell us what you are most thankful for! One winner will be selected at random to win: one Sevenly t-shirt for you and one for someone you are thankful for!